Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Duncan Hines 'Hip Hop' Cupcakes... Racist?

So, America's beloved Duncan Hines has produced a "Hip Hop" commercial that many are claiming to be racist... Now, in my opinion, the musicality presented in this commercial does not even come close, or relate to, the creativity of Hip Hop music stylings... but I guess because the chocolate is brown it's supposed to be a disrespect to Black people? Oh, wait... I get it! The additive of pink lips and bulging eyes mirror the racial slur of "Black face" from back in the day, right?! #whatever!

I've seen and experienced the ugly truth of racism throughout the course of my life, and though I may not have marched with Dr. King, or been beaten on a bridge in Selma, my 34 years of living have yielded a sensitivity to the cause and effects racial injustice. In this case, however, I don't see it. Nothing in this commercial connected with me as a Black woman. It might have made me want to jump off my diet, but it didn't appeal to me or offend me.

I don't know. Maybe you're different... what are your thoughts?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's Not Just Me!!

And so there I was... standing in line at the grocery store (impatiently, I might add, because you would have sworn that the person in front of me was paying in pennies), when Becky & her BFF Jill came to stand in line behind me. Now, I'm not one to eavesdrop (except for that one time in band camp... but I DIGRESS); however, the conversation they carried on about was surprisingly familiar. I listened intently, recognizing words and phrases that I'd either spoken or heard so many times throughout my life.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Suck It Up!

Okay, now "brace" yourself (pun intended) because today's rant lends itself more to the side of "too much information" or "unnecessary graphic illustration", but there is a message in it all... and thus, I teach...

Have you ever had a constipated bowel movement? You know, the kind where you're stuck on the "porcelain god" pushing and straining and rocking back and forth until veins pop out of your forehead and neck? Despite your unrelentless efforts to try to get something to move, the blockage just stays there in an uncomfortable stillness... like boulders blocking the only safe exit of a cave... my bad, I had a flashback.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Live, Laugh & ENJOY!

So, I came across this video today, which gave me a much needed laugh :) After watching it, I just HAD to find out who this kid was, and it surprised me to see that just about every video he's created has a million + views! Some even 7 million +! But what's so amazing to me is that this little boy has become a Youtube/Internet sensation simply because he chose to create humor despite his physical challenges. I have to admit that it has truly warmed my heart to see his innocent contributions bring him so much success!

So, I ask you, as I ask myself... What challenges, problems and/or limitations are you willing to rise above just to touch the world?

Live, Laugh and ENJOY!

Monday, November 8, 2010

For THIS Colored Girl...

Red, Green, Orange, Brown, Purple, Blue, Yellow,White.. BLACK! After seeing Tyler Perry's latest big screen contribution, these colors will forever shine a little brighter, and with greater resilience... at least for me...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Question of the Day...

Here's something to think about.. What are you holding on to that's not holding on to you?  What exactly is it that you're investing time and energy in that isn't reciprocating the effort?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Willow's Whip

I don't know about you, but I want the "Little-Girl-Swag" that Willow Smith has in this video! However, given my age, I may need a Crackhouse Starbucks fix to achieve THIS energy! I know one thing... Baby, if I had a weave, THIS is what I'd be doing!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hump Day Praise Break!

Saints, I offer unto you a REVISED Holy Ghost filled,  JUMP FOR JESUS PRAISE! Please modify your shouts accordingly! #Godblessyou (Thanks Khalil!)

Ode To Wachovia...

Wachovia, Wachovia, I'm distraught of your transition.The eyesore of blaring yellow "Wells Fargo" signs have disrupted humanity simply by being void of a creative typefont. This day I am perplexed, challenged emotionally, leaving me with the single hope that your legacy lives on... May Heaven "Wach-ovi-ya".


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

100% Chance Of Rain

It always amazes me how life's most important revelations can come through simple, everyday occurrences. Today, such a revelation presented itself and I found myself appreciating a divine message through the simplicities of life. Here’s what happened…