Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Know I Can, I Know I Can...

Something has clicked... Call it an "ah-ha" moment, a light bulb, WHATEVER! I just know that something has truly shifted as it relates to my career cognizance... and it's a GREAT THING!

"What the heck are you talking about, Candace?" I'm sooooo glad you asked! For lack of a sensible explanation, I'll tell you that somewhere within the depths of my brain, I have perceived a new level of responsibility and confidence as it relates to my ability to do the jobs that have been laid before me... I don't know, maybe it was the Starbucks I had prior to this revelation, but it was revelation nonetheless.

This is such an important time in my life... in ALL of our lives, really! We can't afford to hesitate when trying to elevate! (<--- NOW THAT WILL PREACH!) LOL So, little grasshoppers, BELIEVE in yourself; TRUST in the gifts, talents and abilities that GOD has given you and don't let fear stand in your way! You are capable, you are DESTINED FOR GREATNESS! Embrace it! Believe it, RECEIVE IT! Nuff said!

I've got some MAJOR stuff on my plate. Things that stretch me, things that STRESS me, but ultimately things that I KNOW will ELEVATE ME! And call me crazy, but I actually BELIEVE I CAN DO ALL OF IT!! I know... the belief should have already been a given, but (and I'm sure you can relate) you know how you have this slight tinge of fear that creeps in, making you question yourself? "Can you REALLY do this?"; "Will you live up to their expectations?"; "Will you be able to manage it all?" All these questions can be overwhelming, but in that recent moment of revelation, I felt an "I CAN" spirit (<---- i'ma need somebody to shout right there)!!! LOL

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