Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hustle & Flow

I’m thoroughly convinced that life is a rat race - one of constant movement, relentless pursuits to connect the dots, and the never-ending hustle of survival. Well, I got caught in the madness today… Somebody’s HUSTLE messed up my FLOW!

I woke up this morning thirsty for Thursday; ready to put my best foot forward (you know, the one without Oprah’s bunion) and take on my day. On paper, nothing was different, especially with my infamous to-do list still being longer than I’ve been living, but for whatever reason, I was motivated and pumped to get things done, as if I were an overweight tyke with asthma preparing for a little league championship. Not to mention the fact that God’s favor and anointing was upon my curling iron because my hair is absolutely FIERCE today! Naturally, in the moment, I thought, “NOTHING could stop me!”

Now, as business professionals, no overloaded plate is complete without a few unnecessary meetings sprinkled here and there. Today, I had one in particular that was scheduled at the crackhouse (Starbucks). I had already received a call from the other party, who for the sake of a name we’ll call CLEOPHUS, saying that he’d be a half hour late. No worries on my part because it gave me more time to complete my DIVA transformation in the comfortable confines of my car (WHAT?! The natural light helps!). Besides, a girl must ALWAYS be ready for the unexpected package of a FINE MAN!

At any rate, I arrived at the crackhouse (Starbucks) and picked a seat. I decided against a cup of Joe because my lip gloss was POPPIN’, and I patiently waited for Cleophus to arrive. Moments later, there he stood... a dream deferred…

Thus, the preliminary waltz of conversation began: “What do you do? Where are you from? How did you hear about us?...” all questions before the kill. And then it happened. The formalities were out of the way, and like a lion ready to claim its prey, Cleophus took over…

For the sake of your time and mine, I will summarize by saying this – THE EXPERIENCE IS STILL A BLUR! Bits and pieces of a two-hour selling session have left me in need of mental THERAPY! I went in with good bearings about me, but somehow picked up a case of turrets from trying to interject my thoughts so many unsuccessful times. Eventually, I just shut up and listened. To think… it all went down in a crackhouse (Starbucks).

Now, my cognizance is off kilter. When I left, I soooo needed a walking stick just to keep balance. My brain was mush – fried by the HUSTLE of a salesman! In all honesty, I didn’t see it coming! He said he wanted to PARTNER not PIMP! Dang-blast multi-level marketing! They get smarter every time!

So, here I sit, hoping that these words will empty the experience from my mind and I can get back to the FLOW of my day… but if I don’t succeed in getting back my work swagger, at least I know my hair still looks good!

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