Monday, July 28, 2008

Here I Am!

Ladies and Gents,

I have officially joined the bloggers' revolution! As computer savvy as I'd like to claim myself to be, it's taken me a month of Sundays to finally put the ongoings of my life on cyberspace... Wait a minute... is that safe?!

So, what will I write about? Well, EVERYTHING! Life's adventures, Love's mishaps and God's blessings. It will all be right here! Now, the key is actually doing this everyday, which may not be so hard. I do love to journal, and this outlet would probably make it easier to do so because my hands can finally keep up with my thoughts!

When I was registering for this blogger, I had to ask myself, "Self, WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YOU ADDING ANOTHER THING TO YOUR ALREADY OVERLOADED PLATE?!" My Self said, "Because you don't pick up the phone enough to update people on your life, especially your friends and family that you left behind in VA!" So, after my brief moment of schizophrenia, I decided to move forward and create a place where my friends and family can keep up with me and how I'm making do here in the "A." Plus, I just need an outlet - a place for mindless rants and occasional brain farts. Oprah calls stuff like this "cathartic," I call it a bootleg form of THERAPY!

Well, I'm off to do some more work! I don't know how long this blogging thing will last but I will make every effort to keep it up... REALLY!

Tootles for now!


  1. Girl pls! This is so for the moment, LOL! Oh wait, sorry I'm suppose to be encouraging :-). Keep us posted :).

  2. Hey Candance!!! congrts girl! GOD IS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!
